Spring Cleaning Made Easy with Black-owned Cleaning App: TIDY app

Raise your hand if you look forward to spring cleaning (no one raises hand)…lol

If you’re like me, you love living in a pristine surrounding but don’t always have the energy or the motivation to clean as much as you would like to on a weekly basis. For example, although I do my laundry regularly, I have piles of clothes on top of my dryer, which means by the time I do laundry again, I will go into a vicious cycle of washing and re-washing clean clothes. Sigh. Then there are the drawers, which I like to keep Marie Kondo, a special way I fold my clothes but needs to be maintained regularly. Sigh. Then there are the fur pockets left by my dog. Sigh.

In trying to get weekly professional cleaning help in the past, I had two cleaning aids. Because I work, seven days a week, and in my mind, I am over processing current and future projects, my energy is spent on weekends. While I would love to have the help, I have been hesitant to re-hire in the last year. Until, I found the TIDY app on Instagram.

If you have used Uber, the TIDY app will be easy for you to use. The first step is to download the app, then register.

Select the date, time, and geolocation, and VOILA! You’re ready to go! The latter couple steps are to select the services you wish to have, some services may have a premium, so if you wish to have your clothes ironed, the app will apply a fee.

Once confirmed, the total will be tallied, you input your payment method, then you’re on your way. Because of COVID-19 specifications, the cleaning professionals have been trained in the new protocols, which include sanitization measures.

So with affordable prices, time flexibility, COVID-19 sanitization protocols in place, and a professional team, the TIDY app makes cleaning easier and a la carte. You and I really have no excuse to get our spring cleaning done!

Click here to download NOW!

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