I’m always rambled on about black soap and why everyone should have a bar for their everyday facial and body cleansing regimen. Within the last week, I have tried and tested SIMKHA’s Vegan Black soap and the results came in the form of my Instagram audience asking me to reveal my skin secret. In fact, my skin secret is: black soap, organic or vegan or charcoal based.
The product comes in a very organic form, almost earth like which helps to connect to our atomic nature. Without being chemically processed, it is the purest form of black soap I have ever used. There are different forms of black soap, according to trialsntresses.com, the top 6 benefits are:
1. GOOD INGREDIENTS: First and foremost the key to a great product in your regimen is the ingredients. African Black Soap is chalk full of key ingredients that promote healthy looking skin. Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Powder, Plantain Skins & Leaves, & of course Shea butter provide the necessary vitamins & minerals that keep the skin looking young, fresh, and healthy.
2. Skin Tone Improvement: Like I mentioned earlier this soap has improved my skin tone all over since I use it in the shower. My legs, my arms, my back are all very evenly toned from just three weeks of use. (That & the 3 liters of water I drink on a daily basis may have a little something to do with it). The soap helps to from and tone the skin because of the vitamins and minerals present in its ingredients.
3. Protects Against Pre-Mature Aging: Let’s be real serious… it doesn’t STOP aging! So read very carefully. Pre Mature Aging is the aging caused by our reckless behavior! (especially during our high school and college years) when were are not so good to our bodies. The use of African Black Soap sends Anti Oxidants into the skin which helps to prevent premature wrinkles and sagging skin.
4. Skin Discoloration Fading: My favorite property of this soap has to be this! Because of the “backne” that I’ve been facing my back has a lot of discoloration from faded pimples that I’ve popped in anger! The soap isn’t an eraser I know that… but it most certainly is helping those black spots seem less black and noticeable when I throw on a bikini or spaghetti strapped dress.
5. Heals Problem Skin: Black soap is a deep cleanser with antibacterial and anti fungal properties that penetrate through the skin pretty easily. In doing such it doesn’t get rid of the acne you already have but helps to prevent future breakouts from occurring since it is removing excess oil build up under the skin that causes breakouts in the first place. Because of this amazing feature many people with eczema (raises hand) and psoriasis use it to help treat their problem skin as well.
6. Alleviates Razor Bumps & In Grown Hairs: Black African Soap is a gentle exfoliant. When you use the bar or break it in half you will feel the graininess of it. This gentle exfoliation helps your skin glow but helps deal with the awful razor bumps and in grown hairs we face after shaving or getting waxed. In the past I’ve had to use the exfoliators I use on my face which I often found were too harsh or strong for sensitive bikini areas. So far so good with the use of the black soap I haven’t had any razor bumps or in grown hairs to battle.
To purchase Simkha: