This week on we feature up and coming blogger: Adanna of Since we met in New York, I haven’t stopped using lemons, and was not aware of its bountiful splendor.
Adanna Ade
“Lemons played an integral part of my life from birth”
Growing up in Trinidad my grandmother would have me take baths with lemon all of the time. “Rub it all over” she would say. As annoyed as I was, I still followed her instructions. Her instructions stayed with me throughout my adult years. I was programmed to take daily lemon baths even in my adulthood.
“So, why do I still follow ancestral instructions?”
We don’t give mother earth enough credit for the things she has gifted us with. Lemon, in particular has an infinite of benefits. It’s a great source of vitamin C, potassium, minerals, copper, antioxidants, magnesium and citric acid. Lemon removes dead that accumulates daily, and by applying lemon daily, we regenerate our skin. Whilst we easily digest such things internally, remember the skin is the largest organ on the body and we must feed it both internally and externally to achieve healthy glowing skin.“Here are some great facts about lemon you should know”:
Oily Skin
Squeeze a lemon or use lemon juice on a cotton swab. Apply to your face before bed and rinse the next morning. The lemon cuts the oils.
Whiter Teeth
This is a great way to save money on all those teeth whitening products. Mix baking soda and lemon juice into a bubbly solution and rub on your teeth with a toothpick. Leave for a few minutes then gently scrub with your toothbrush and rinse. Teeth whitening perfection!
Life To Hair Color
When I do henna on my hair I add lemon juice and honey to my mix and it gives my henna a lovely boost. You can also add lemon juice to your conditioner – comb it through with your hands or a comb and let it sit whilst you do some gardening or chill in the sun for a while before rinsing. If you would like to achieve a light hair color, repeat these steps once a week for bleaching effects.
Chapped Lips
This is an overnight treatment. Rub a slice of lemon on your puckers and rinse the next morning. Super smooth…
Dark Spots and Blemishes
Scars can be embarrassing. Being a tomboy in my younger days, I challenged many. I have seen an improvement with the consistent use of lemon on my scars. Once your scar has healed rub lemon daily.
Strong Nails
To condition weak/ brittle and or yellow nails rub a mixture of Olive oil and lemon.
Relieve Dry Scalp and Remedy Dandruff
Combine coconut oil, olive oil, raw honey and lemon and massage into your scalp. Works like a dream!
Attack Blackheads
Rub lemon juice directly on these bad boys every night, leave overnight and wash with cool water in the morning.
More benefits of lemon include: Immune system boosting, aids arthritis, balances metabolism, anti-cancer, colon health, eye health, liver health, detoxifying, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, brain nourishing and post workout recovery.
Before I go I would like to share an anti-aging mixture with you
Mix few drops of lemon juice, one drop of almond oil and one teaspoon of honey to form a thick solution. Apply and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water. This process will take some time so be consistent and patient; you will see and feel the difference in the texture of your skin.
Please enjoy using lemons!