Joyride’s musical sensation Tai TL coming out of Montreal-North: from Occupation Hood to the Stage of Juste Pour Rire

Internet sensation Tai TL, founder of Occupation Hood, a Sunday night dating show on IG Live, releases his first single and hosts his infamous dating show live from the Juste Pour Rire stage.

It’s hard not to know about Tai, live streaming from his bedroom because his show was the highlight of the Montreal lockdown, followed by memes, upon memes days following.

After venturing into the music world with his mega-hit Occupation Hood and bringing us the music video that features OZ, Dee End, and Rosalvo on a Massive composition, Tai TL hit the stage on July 24thm with the biggest pinnacle of his career. Indeed, while its Sunday show attracted fans by the tens of thousands, Tai TL decided to transpose the formula into an indoor performance and to mark this return to “normality” with a 90-minute show in front of an audience.

His goal is to be an inspiration for young people from diverse backgrounds, to prove to them that we can achieve their dreams and ambitions. Leaving his own room and ending up at the Olympia in a few months is a first step for him.

We’re hungry, we want to eat the world,” Tai TL

So while we continue to enjoy the summer out of confinement, we thank Tai TL, for keeping us entertained during the dreary winter months with Occupation Hood. You go boiiiiiiiii!

Click here to follow Tai.

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