“Hosted by Laura Wizman” is the series we need in 2021, where the focus is on self-development and personal growth. The monthly series was created with the purpose of bringing motivation and connection with a community of like-minded individuals, especially in the current state of the world we live in. You can expect to be uplifted and empowered.
“2021 Keeping The Momentum Up”
“2021 Keeping The Momentum Up” featuring guest speakers Atena Sadegh and Samantha Kris will help us keep up our momentum in 2021. By tapping into their expertise, Atena will help us tap into our subconscious mind and give us the tools to reprogram our minds geared towards success.
And Samantha Kris will help us with our time management and setting our intentions for 2021. Samantha has carried many towards life-shifting momentum with her unique goal-setting template.
When: January 13th, 2021, 7:30 PM EST
Limited spots available, make sure to register ASAP
Zoom link will be sent by email prior to the event
25$ taxes included
Click to purchase tickets
*A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Jewish General Hospital (specifically to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) which holds a very special place in my heart.