#Dontrushchallenge fundraiser helps families during COVID-19

Mainstream news outlets focus on large company donations during times of fundraising. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals and communities have taken up the mantel to help those in need andĀ  affected by the mass lay-offs .

For example, the Dominican community in Montreal North spearheaded by two individuals were able to collect food to supply to 160 families, and another example is the Shik community, who raised over $50,000 to give to two local hospital, aiding COVID-19 relief.

With numerous and impressive fundraising efforts, a group of local women came together and decided that the popular social media #dontrushchallenge would be their way to help. The fundraiser did not appeal to the public for donations, instead, the group decided to put their own money together for every “like” and “share” of their video.

To their surprise, help starting pouring. Donations came from various sources, with the majority of donors being women. On Thursday, when the fundraising amount was achieved over $900.00 in cash and product donations, one of the spokeswomen posted on Instagram: “We will no longer be accepting cash donations as we have achieved our goal”.

The grand total of cash and product donations came in at $1,370.00, a stark number compared to theĀ $349.25 per each like and share at 0.25 cents a piece.

Click to see #dontrushchallenge

Video created by:

Nkosi Phanord


Vickie Joseph

Cindy Iaasac

Nancy Hawawini

Petrona Joseph

Marsha Vaval

Tracy Vanacol

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