Fashion How RELUXE brought Luxury Shopping to Local Montreal Charity: Le Chainon by Jacqueline August 29, 2018August 29, 2018
Fashion RELUXE: benefitting Le Chaînon returns to Festival Mode & Design August 23rd by Jacqueline August 15, 2017July 11, 2018
Fashion Fashion Preview Reaffirms its place in Montreal’s Fashion Ecosystem by Jacqueline March 26, 2017
#FashionUnfold #FASHIONUNFOLD – The Hottest Fashion Party in Montreal by Noelly Sam by Jacqueline November 7, 2016November 7, 2016
Fashion #FP6MTL Day Two: Cegep Marie-Victorin, Christian Chenail, DUY, Lovan M., Yoga Jeans by Jacqueline October 26, 2016